
Thursday, June 22, 2017

Making Poor People Pay More For Less Health Insurance

 As 23 million Americans risk losing their health care if the Republican bill passes, a doctor is running for office to fight for our “secure future”

Today, Senate Republicans unveiled the health care repeal bill which they’ve been working on behind closed doors.

Here’s analysis from Vox.com: “Policy after policy in the bill is built to achieve the same goal: making poor people pay more for less health insurance.”
The bill gives the wealthy massive tax breaks, and does so by slashing Medicaid funding and cutting health care subsidies for middle and low income Americans.

So far, opposition to the bill is strong—the AARP, the American Medical Association, and the Children’s Defense Fund are just a few examples of the groups voicing their disapproval.

Dr. Rob Davidson sees what’s happening in Congress right now, and he thinks America needs to do better. Having seen our system up close, he believes in health care for all. So he’s running for Congress in West Michigan.

You can contribute to Dr. Davidson’s campaign here.

 Why Dr. Rob is running:

“As an ER doctor, Rob works with people from all backgrounds. Rob cares for them and their families, treating everyone the same and ensuring they get the best care.”

Rob understands the importance of health care for all Americans so no one has to worry about preexisting conditions, or disease outbreaks in our communities. Health care for all means reducing fears of going broke because of a medical emergency.

Our families face a lot of uncertainty about the future and they deserve a member of Congress who will address those concerns in a real way, not just with sound bites.

As a Spring Lake school board member, Rob fights for all children so they get a good education.

Rob believes we must invest in quality public schools that can prepare all students - regardless of background or ability - for a 21st century economy.” 

Click Here To Support Dr. Rob Davidson
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